
Badges Overview

Badges on the Metafluence platform serve as recognition for a user's activities, achievements, contributions, and status within the metaverse community. They're digital tokens of accomplishment visible on a user's profile, signaling their level of engagement, expertise, or specific skills and roles within the Metafluence ecosystem.

Each badge has its own condition and rarity parameter. Rarity is the percentage of users who have acquired the specified badge (automatically calculated by the system).

Badges are displayed above the username (in-game) or in the User Profile. Users can select up to 3 badges to be displayed above their username in the game. All user badges can be discovered in each user’s profile.

Badge Examples

Badge Categories (internal)

Badges are categorized based on the way how users earn them. This categorization is only for internal teams.

  • Achievement Badges: earned by completing requirements of difficult achievements.

  • Unique Badges: extra rare badges manually granted by the Metafluence team (like "First Mover", "Tester", "Team Member," etc.).

  • Event Badges: rare badges earned during time-limited events.

  • Special Badges: special cases.

The List of Badges

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