User profile
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User Profile plays the role of the public ID card of each user and is usually displayed in a dedicated pop-up window. A profile consists of sections like "Profile", "Achievements", "Friends, Avatars" etc.
User profile gives access/control to many other features ("Badges", "Traits", "Friends" etc.) that will be added consequently in upcoming updates.
A pop-up is activated by pressing the "P" key or by clicking on a special icon in GUI.
Menu icon order may change during the development, and screenshots are just for reference.
The first page of the Player Profile (UP). Consists of the main information.
Information is available to anyone. Users can change privacy settings and hide some parts of information (age, country). Details can be edited by pressing the "pen" button under the profile photo.
The main window of UP shows the player's profile picture, name, username, meta-time, status, age, country, and "about me" paragraph.
If any Moderation Signs exist, they're displayed on the corner of the profile picture.
"About Me" is a short paragraph user can write about himself/herself.
Users can add their social media connections to the profile.
Other users can contact the user by pressing the "Message" button or send a friendship request by pressing the "Add friend" button.
"Rank", "Metatime", "Engagement Score", and "Achievements" are either buttons (for my profile) or just counters/indicators of progression.