Rarity Tiers

Rarity Tiers Overview

Rarity Tiers are attributes that indicate the rarity of items/emotes/badges etc. Each tier has its naming and colour displayed in the user interface.

Rarity can be of 2 types:

  1. Dynamic rarity that is based on the percentage of owning users in Metafluence.

    • Applied to emotes, badges, pets, transports, props, cosmetic items etc. (unique items that is not stacking i.e. 1 piece).

    • Rarity tier can change depending on user number.

  2. Static rarity that is set by Metafluence system.

    • Applied to items, mystery boxes etc (consumable items that can be numerous in the inventory).

    • Static rarity is not changing i.e. it’s permanently set by the system.

Rarity Tiers List

There are 4 rarity tiers in Metafluence:

  1. Standard (dynamic percentage: more than 50% owners).

  2. Rare (dynamic percentage: 30-50% owners).

  3. Elite (dynamic percentage: 10-30% owners).

  4. Supreme (dynamic percentage: less than 10% owners).

Metafluence - Dynamic Rarity Tiers

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